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Mission Projects


Ongoing as of

Missionary Support
Goal:  $500/month


As of

Monthly Free Medical Clinic Support
Goal:  $1000/month


As of

HeReturns is partnering with Train Them 2 Fish (TT2F), a front-line ministry based in Kinshasa, DR Congo. 


TT2F ministries include:


Bible teaching

Bible worker training

Large-scale evangelism meetings

Medical ministry (including free health clinics)

Literature evangelism

Church planting

Orphan care

Job training for the poor and disabled

Bible evangelism media


HeReturns is blessed and privileged

to help support this ministry.

In February 2018, the first free monthly medical clinics started, funded by HeReturns.  Over 26,500 people were helped in one year, including 3500 in one month!

Praise God!

Congo Literature Container 1.JPG

Here is a container of over 2.2 million pieces of Bible literature in French, sent from the U.S. in 2018.   All has been distributed by TT2F!   HeReturns was blessed to cover customs and shipping costs in Africa ($6000).

Another container with over 7100 much-needed French Bibles has also arrived.  HeReturns has again covered customs and local shipping costs ($6000), by God's grace only.

New 2021 Literature Project!
In Q2 2021, another container with massive amounts of

critical literature was on its way to Congo!

It has about 7500 French Bibles with included studies!  And more than 2 million Voice of Prophecy and Daniel and Revelation study guides!  

This container is full of souls for eternity!  Praise God for its arrival!

The customs and final shipping cost $6000,

which HeReturns provided by God's grace!

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